Another Successful MIPIM Over, and Now the Hard Work Begins
March 2018
Symmetrys have returned from another successful trip to the annual property conference in Cannes – MIPIM.
Almost two years on from the Brexit vote, and with uncertainty regarding its outcome still in the air, there are other pressing matters making headlines at this year’s conference.
The housing crisis continues to dominate discussion at MIPIM, with many debates on urban mobility, delivery, sustainability, building for change and innovation. There was also a greater presence this year from UK cities other than London and Manchester. The Midlands in particular were very visible, with stands from Birmingham, Coventry and Nottingham. It seems the UK really is sharpening its elbows and getting ready for our exit from the European Union.
An encouraging change of attitude following the President’s Club debacle saw the launch of the #seetheelephant campaign by Tamsie Thomson of the London Festival of Architecture, aimed at tackling discriminatory behaviour in the built environment and encouraging a more positive working environment for women within the industry. Many high profile men, including Tony Pidgley from the Berkeley Group, were seen sporting the pink elephant badge. It is hoped that the industry can address the elephant in the room and continue the standard of good behaviour set out at MIPIM this year.
Peter Murray, Chairman of the New London Architecture, quite rightly steered the negative MIPIM press away by pointing them towards the incredible achievements of the Club Peloton Cycle to MIPIM, which arrived in Cannes to splendid weather, having set off from London six days before and cycling through some of the worst weather in many years, raising money for children’s charity Coram. Growing each year, and now with 200 riders split into two routes, it’s as impressive as ever. We are very proud of Symmetrys’ Associate David Snaith completing the cycle for the first time this year.
So now we’re back, and the hard work begins, building on those new relationships, and ensuring the steady growth of our wonderful Practice. We’ll certainly see you all again next year.
Jo Shepherd is Associate, Business Development at London structural engineering consultancy Symmetrys Limited.