Plastic Free Symmetrys
July 2019
Last year our Civil Engineer Mark suggested we go plastic free for July. It was a huge learning curve for us, and we didn’t realise until we took up the challenge just how much single-use plastic passed through the office daily. We discovered many alternatives, and changed lifelong habits, and have since adopted many of these alternatives.
We now have our milk delivered, grow our own salad and herbs outside the office front door, changed our coffee machine to avoid the wasteful pods, changed our brand of teabags to one which only used plastic-free bags, and encouraged staff to use reusable containers and cups, especially when they visit food outlets at lunchtime.
We want to make more changes, and will be supporting Plastic Free July again this year, and sharing our knowledge throughout the month with clients and friends through social media.
It continues to be an education, and we hope you’ll join us in becoming as plastic free as possible. We’ll once again be taking advice from The Plastic Free Foundation.
So why not join us? Follow us on social media throughout July as we expand our mission to ban plastics. Find us on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.