The Works

Symmetrys have been employed by Wandsworth Borough Council to provide Structural and Civil Engineering services for the development of this residential site in The Alder Estate.

The project will redevelop the existing garages and land along the eastern edge of The Alders Estate on Aldrington Road, Wandsworth, London SW16 1TW to provide new homes, and improve the landscaping and amenity spaces.

The site is located very close to Tooting Bec Common and a short walk to Streatham High Road. The development will form part of Wandsworth Council’s commitment to deliver 1,000 new homes on its land over the next 5-7 years, across the borough.

The development will provide 34 new high-quality affordable rent houses and 285m2 of new formal and natural children’s play areas.  Additional environmental improvements will also be introduced to the wider Alders estate including creating new connections through green spaces, improved parking access and new fit-for-purpose refuse and cycle storage for existing residents.

Structural Design

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) have also been incorporated, including attenuation tanks, permeable paving, green roofs and raingardens. These will all contribute to the amenity and biodiversity value of the development.


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